Tuesday, April 23, 2013
TwoLips Reviews RT Stay At Home Party!!!!!
TwoLips Reviews is hosting a RT Stay At Home Party April 29 through May 6 for anyone who isn't going to Kansas City for
the RT Conference.
Where: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TalkingTwoLips/join
Chat with some of your favorite authors, be entered to win fabulous prizes! What are the prizes you ask?
print books
gift cards
and more
Mark your calendars, you don't want to miss out on all the fun.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
CBP--Cara Carnes Blog Tour
Hello and welcome to For Whom The Books Toll! Today is
my stop on Cara's blog tour. I'll be posting an excerpt from
Cara's book, Passion's Claim book 2 of the Pleasure Brigade
Series. The tour runs April 8 through April 29 and there will
be one grand prize winner drawn from all rafflecopter entries for
a $50 gift card for Amazon, Barnes & Noble or ARe, winner's
choice. There will also be copies of Passion's Claim up for
grabs. Good luck everyone.
Brigade, a private BDSM resort, for another naughty weekend
with sexy neighbor Kade Berges. She expects a chance to further
explore her fantasies, but finds herself wanting more when Kade
and his three friends push her boundaries and welcome her into
their world.
Kade Berges hadn't intended to share more than a
few nights of passion with his insatiable New York neighbor,
but thanks to meddling friends, he finds himself unwilling to
accept anything less than Autumn's full submission. Whether
she's ready remains to be seen.
Autumn might've been Kade's to claim from the beginning but
she made a hell of an impression on us all the moment we met
her. I knew she was special from the get go. She'd done the
impossible and gotten all my buddies remembering her after they
returned from New York. I wasn't necessarily on board with the
plan Chase, Lance and Lorenzo concocted to get her here to Texas
and in The Brigade but the moment she pulled up at the security
gate I knew she was where she was meant to be.
~~Master Stryker, Chief of Security for The Brigade
Autumn bit back the apprehensive questions leaping into her mind. Was she at the right place? She peered forward. Lush, manicured grass and large oaks lined a driveway long enough to be declared a highway in most states.
The guard leaned down. His blue eyes glimmered with amusement. "All I need is a first name, sweetheart."
"Autumn." Heat rose in her cheeks as she realized she'd been
sitting there gawking at the surroundings rather than paying attention. "I think my..." What the hell was Kade? A friend? Definitely not in the boyfriend category. Yet. "I'm meeting someone
"The pretty ones always are." He reached down on his belt and
retrieved a metallic bracelet, which he placed in a handheld computer device. "Your first time here?"
She nodded. "Where am I?"
He chuckled. "If you don't know, I'm looking forward to watching your reaction." He held out his hand. "Your wrist, ma'am."
Autumn obliged. Warm fingers ran across her skin. "No need to
be frightened. No one here bites newbies." He winked and lowered his voice to a sensual whisper. A soft click secured the device to
her wrist. "You'll wear this for the duration of your time here. It
has a tracker, as well as a microchip for us to keep track of your...
A shiver ran down her spine and resonated between her clutched thighs. "Thank you."
"My pleasure, sweetheart." His finger ran across her cheek.
"Where did Kade find a beautiful morsel like you?"
"How did you know it was him I was meeting?"
He tapped the computer device as he placed it back on his belt. A prominent bulge drew her attention. She swallowed.
She looked away when he chuckled. His fingers ran to her chin
and maneuvered her face until his gaze captured hers. "Eyes are the
windows to the soul, sweetheart. Don't deny me what small glimpse I may have."
She nodded. A wicked grin softened the harsh contours of his
jawline. "You going to answer my question, sweetheart?"
There'd been a question. Oh yeah, where they'd met. "New
York City. He's my neighbor."
"I was afraid you were going to say that. I was supposed to go
on that trip with Lance." His fingers ran down her cheek. "Such
a shame I missed...meeting you."
Oh. My. God. He exuded a dark, dangerous aura. He crouched
to eye level, but the movement was controlled, like a caged panther, sleek, hungry, and on the prowl for a new morsel to nibble. Moisture pooled between her legs as she imagined Lance with him
pinning her down and spreading her legs wide to accommodate them. Or him and Kade. Her nipples hardened and she shifted in
her seat.
"Such a shame indeed." He kissed the back of her hand before
standing. "I'm Stryker. This red button pages me. Don't ever be
afraid to use it. I'll be happy to see to any of your wishes." He
winked and motioned the driver to proceed. "Welcome to The
Buy links:
Cara's Bio:
Born in small-town Texas, Cara Carnes was a princess, a pirate, fashion model, actress, rock star and Bon Jovi's wife all before the
age of 13.
In reality, her fascination for enthralling worlds took seed somewhere amidst a somewhat dully day job and a wonderful life
filled with family and friends. When she's not cemented to her chair, Cara loves travelling, photography and reading.
More information about Cara can be found at www.caracarnes.com or on Facebook or Twitter.
a Rafflecopter giveaway a Rafflecopter giveaway
Please leave your email address in the comments section, plus
how you are following For Whom The Books Toll.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Brita Addams Grand Prize Winner
And the winner is..........................*drum roll please*
Crissy Morris! Congrats! Crissy is the grand prize winner of the
Kindle for Brita Addams Tarnished Gold blog tour.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
CBP-- Anya Richards Blog Tour
Hello everyone! Welcome to my blog. Today I have the pleasure
of hosting Anya Richards. One lucky winner tour wide will get a
$10 gift card from Amazon or Barnes & Noble or ARe, and a copy of either Stone-Hard Passion or Fleeting Fate. How do you enter? Simply follow the directions in the rafflecopter! Please leave your email addy in the comments and me how you follow For Whom The Books Toll. The blog tour is April 5 through April 19. Please enjoy today's excerpt from Dragon's Claim.

Genre: Paranormal Erotic Romance
Flame Rating: Scorching
Released: April 5, 2013
Publisher: Ellora's Cave
Book three in the Unveiled Seduction Series,
Talathion Frostbane was tasked with saving his people and took
on the responsibility unflinchingly. Yet all it takes to throw his
entire existence into chaos is one encounter with the wyvern-
shifter he spurned two hundred years before. The passion between
them is as strong as ever, but there's no escaping the expectations
of the clan. And giving in to the all-consuming desire for the
dragonkin would have devastating consequences.
When Herve Cinq a Sept travels to the Fey city of Leaich,
searching for answers after someone tries to kill him, what he finds
rocks his world in a variety of ways and leads him down a path of
inescapable hunger. As he finds himself on his knees, lost in desperate need and heading for heartbreak, he realizes why as a
species, the dragonkin no longer believe in love. It's so easy to
lose everything--pride, independence, control--when the one you
want to claim can never be yours.
Pulling away, he stumbled aside to lean against the wall, unable to find his footing, either physically or emotionally.
"You okay?" Herve was there, gripping his biceps, holding him up.
"Tala, are you okay?"
"Yes." By the Godess, it was the only word he could get past the
constriction in his throat, the renewed desire overtaking him. Even to his ears his voice sounded strange, deep and strong, echoing in the enclosure. "Yes."
The concern in Herve's eyes deepened. "Let's get out of here."
"No." Reaching out, he wrapped one arm around the wyvern's neck, the other around his waist so as to pull him near. "Oh no, no."
This need couldn't wait, couldn't be denied. Everything in him--
his spirit, magic, body--strained to have the wyvern as close as possible, wanting to feel his domination, be consumed by his passion. Planting his hands on the glass so they bracketed Tala's shoulders, Herve tried to keep their bodies apart, but the great frame was shivering, the harsh rush of his breath betraying his desire.
Without thought Tala loosed his magic once more, felt it wrap around Herve in an unbreakable grip.
"Closer." He tugged with hands and elven power, refusing to be denied.
"No, Tala." It was a growl, but even as it left his lips there was the
first hot brush of skin on skin.
"I need you." Goddess, how he needed, yearning beyond anything he'd known before clawing for release. "Closer."
Their mouths met, Tala opening for the hard thrust of the dragonkin's tongue, moaning at the scrape of teeth against his lip. But still Herve held his body away and Tala tightened his hold in response. He wanted to tell Herve it would be okay, that he needed his strength and force now, more than he ever had before. Needed to test his newfound freedom by surrendering it to the man he loved. But he couldn't break the kiss, didn't want to lose even a scintilla of the contact.
Buy link Dragon's Claim: http://www.ellorascave.com/dragon-s-claim.html
Author Bio:
After living a checkered past, and despite an avowed disinterest in
domesticity, multi-published erotic romance author Anya Richards settled in Ontario, Canada, with husband, kids, an adorable pup and a cat that plots world domination, one food bowl at a time. Her slightly darker alter-ego, Anya Delvay, emerges occasionally to write erotica.
Interested in all things historical and hysterical, Anya describes herself as intensely curious, (although the word 'nosy' has been
bandied about) and a life-ling people watcher. Using what she's
discovered about people, places and various weird and wonderful
things, Anya has written contemporary, historical and paranormal/fantasy romance novels, novellas and short stories for Samhain Publishing, Ellora's Cave, Cleis Press and Spice Briefs.
To find out more, please drop by Anya's website, follow her on Twitter or like her on Facebook.
Saturday, April 6, 2013
And the winner is..............................
I'd like to thank everyone who stopped by and followed Midnight's Jewel blog tour. I hope everyone had fun. And now to announce the winner. Congratulations to Carol L, she is the tour winner of
a $10 Amazon gift card. Yay!!!!!! *tossing confetti*
Friday, April 5, 2013
Sandra Sookoo Virtual Blog Tour
Hello and welcome to For Whom The Books Toll. Today is
my stop on Sandra Sookoo's Virtual Blog Tour, Winning His
Wife. Isn't that cover gorgeous? Sandra is giving away a $10
gift card to Amazon or Barnes & Noble, to one lucky entrant
from the entire tour. Thanks for stopping by today and don't forget
to follow along on the rest of the tour.
Author Bio:
Sandra is a writer of romantic fiction. Her portfolio includes
historical, contemporary, sci-fi, and paranormal romances in
full length books as well as shorts and novellas. No matter if the
heat level is spicy or sweet, she loves to blend genres and often
times will add humor to the mix.
When not immersed in creating new worlds and engaging characters, Sandra likes to read, bake, taste new teas, watch
The Big Bang Theory and Pysche, as well as Finding Big Foot
and travel. Her favorite place to spend vacation hours is Walt
Disney World: it's where dreams come true and the soul can
play. When she's not writing, she's keeping things interesting
at her Believing is Seeing blog, or spending time with her
husband, who patiently answers questions she has about men,
sci-fi related subjects, and the odd "what if".
Sandra loves to hear from her readers. You can write to her at
Believing is Seeing blog
Profile Page Facebook
Author Page Facebook

Title: Winning His Wife
Genre: Historical Romance
Flame Rating: Warm
Released: 2/27/13-ebook, 4/1/13-print
Publisher: Twenty or Less Press
Word Count: 40k
Dates: 4/1 through 4/15
Fighting for independence goes beyond an infant nation, but love
just might conquer all.
Captain Caleb Haslet has come home to Portsmith, Rhode Island after two years at sea chasing pirates and keeping British ships from
the fledgling American nation. He wants nothing more than to
settle into domestic life and finally claim the new bride duty had
forced him to leave behind.
Though she now has her own life doing charity works, providing
prisoners with basic creature comforts, Abigail Haslet is both
excited and anxious that Caleb thinks to take up where they
left off. But, how can she give her heart to a man who'll leave
again when duty calls?
Caleb no longer wants a marriage of convenience. When plying
Abigail with kisses and spending time with her fails, he decides
to take advantage of his wife's stint behind bars to make her see
the truth--he's in love with her.
Book video
"Is it the marriage you resent or my handling of the affair?" He
stroked his hand over her bare buttock, back and forth, his touch
so gentle she might have missed it if she hadn't been so terribly
aware of him. "Or perhaps it's merely me you can't stand."
Yesterday had he asked her that, she would have had no
qualms answering all three questions, but now how could he be
part of the problem when he created a magic unlike any other
she'd ever known? When he stilled his hand on her backside,
she whimpered.
"Answer the question please." Though he kept his voice conversational and at a whisper, there was no mistaking the note
of command.
"Your handling." She licked her dry lips. "I am not chattel, Captain.
I'm a woman who demands your attention the same as any man
under your command, but since I am a woman, my wants and needs
will always fall by the wayside when a man is in the mix." Would
he despise her free speaking, regret that he'd offered for her in
the first place?
"I'm beginning to see I made a mistake."
"In choosing me?" She hated that her voice sounded small and out
of place in the darkness.
"No, in not asking for you sooner. I should have planned better so we had more time before I departed. He glided his hand along her
side to fondle her nipples once more. "I don't want our union to
be a farce, but you must promise me to curtail deporting yourself
in a manner that shows both of us in an unfair light."
The wonderful tension he created in her body faded under the
safe wave of annoyance. She pulled his hand away from her person.
"You cannot expect me to follow your orders as if I'm one of your crew. A marriage is more than that."
"Actually, it isn't. A marriage and being part of a sailing crew are
very much the same. They all come down to one thing--trust.
Caleb escaped her grasp. He inched his hand down the from of her
body. "Just as I demand trust from my crew, I ask it of you as well."
The moment his fingers danced over her feminine curls, Abigail gasped. No one had ever touched her there, but the man who was
her husband dared to go even farther. With a gentleness that belied
the man she assumed he was, he nudged her thighs apart. She let
him. Dear heavens, how could she deny him? The curiosity became
too much.
He slid a finger along her folds.
"Oh my." I had no idea a man's fingers on me like that could feel.... There were simply no words for the way sensation surrounded her in a cocoon of wonderment.
"I want you to trust me, Abigail." His voice reverberated in her ear
and her chest. Strain rasped in his words as he left off his torment and rested his hand on her stomach. The hard bulge of his arousal pressed insistently against the small of her back. Obviously, that
tiny moment had affected him as well. "You and I are bound in the
eyes of the law, but I want more than a cold decree. I want to share
with you the joy that can happen between a man and a woman."
Buy links:
All Romance Books
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Midnight's Jewel by J. Annas Walker Blog Tour
To be eligible to win the gift card, please fill out the rafflecopter
form. Also, please let me know in the comment how you're
following my blog.

Title: Midnight's Jewel
Genre: Paranormal Erotic Romance
Flame rating: scorching
Released: 1/15/2013
Publisher: Siren Bookstrand
Word count: 48K
Sabrina Rivers, an orphaned half
witch and magical misfit, has been hidden from the world for almost a
century by her Aunt Eleanor. Her only possession is a mysterious dark
crystalline pendant she can’t remove. She knows nothing about its
powers or purpose.
When mercenaries attempt to steal
the pendant in broad daylight, Eleanor has no choice but to entrust
Sabrina’s safety to vampire Brandon Thorpe, kingpin of Atlanta’s
supernatural underworld. While Eleanor hunts the would-be assassins,
Sabrina learns what it means to finally be free to live and to love,
but freedom has a cost. Her sheltered life left her with a heavy
burden and no way to protect herself.
Brandon’s love real or a ploy to get Midnight’s Jewel? Will what
she doesn’t know about her past get both of them killed? Can he
protect her from her enemies and his? What price will she have to pay
for love?
He finished removing the soap lather and stepped close to her, placing his hands on the wall on either side of her head. He leaned in and kissed her. He whispered against her lips. “I would say you were lucky to have someone who cared, I would say you were very eager, and I would say I want you right now.” He kissed her again. This time she returned the kiss.
The molten pool of
fire in her chest spread throughout her body. Her heart sent it
coursing through her. She could feel her clit swell with the newfound
pleasure. Her nipples tightened into pink pebbles. A gush of hot
juice filled her pussy and spilled down her legs. She wanted to take
his cock deep into the very core of her being, to melt their souls
into one.
He pressed her body
into the wall with his. She could feel his dick getting hard. It lay
stiff against her stomach. Their height difference was going to be a
problem like this.
He moved his hand
down to her waiting slit. Inserting two fingers, he carefully slid
them in and out while kissing the side of her neck. Nothing hurt this
time. She relaxed, spread her legs enough to give him better access,
and enjoyed it. His fingers were slippery with her fluids. They
glided along her tunnel with ease. He knew just where to apply
pressure. Placing his thumb on her swollen pearl,
he worked both her pussy and clit simultaneously. He stooped over
enough to lick and suck a nipple.
Sabrina had to brace
herself on the wall with outstretched arms. He was going to make her
come and there was nothing to hold her up. She was sure her knees
would not keep her standing like this. Her body was going to burst
with tension unless he fingered her off, but she was going to
collapse if he did. Her cunt quivered and pulsed with a rhythm to
match his. The orgasm that followed tore through her whole body. For
a moment, she was locked in place, unable to move. The first
aftershock hit and down she went. He caught her and eased her to the
shower floor.
you stay on your hands and knees?” Brandon asked.
She tried twice to
speak but found the words were not there. So, she nodded in reply. He
guided her into position. The hard aftershocks subsided into tiny
ripples of pleasure. Her pussy was still quaking when he plunged into
her from behind. It took her breath.
The tip of his cock
reached her limits. Holding her hips, he rocked her back into him,
applying a little more pressure. She could feel his long shaft
stretching her. There was no tearing, no pinching pain. She was
please, Brandon! Please, don’t stop,” she breathlessly pleaded.
Purchase Links:
Author Bio:
and raised among the Blue Ridge Mountains of western North Carolina,
J. Annas Walker was brought listening to oral history and traditional
storytelling. Her hobby of writing short stories bloomed out of this
tradition. With the encouragement of her sisters, husband, an aunt,
and a very supportive cousin, she took a chance to turn her hobby
into something larger.
acquiring a bachelors of science in civil engineering technology, she
worked for a number of years as a transportation designer. Designing
road construction projects by day, she continued writing by night.
Today, she writes more than she ever did and blends fantasy and
paranormal into romance storylines. The fanged, spectral, magical,
and furry have become everyday life.
J. Annas
Walker lives with her husband, two teenage sons, and her cat/office
Rafflecopter Code: a Rafflecopter giveaway
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Tarnished Gold by Brita Addams Blog Tour
Hello and welcome to the Tarnished Gold Blog Tour. Today, Brita Addams is here for her virtual blog tour, Tarnished Gold.
I'm giving away an ebook at each stop on the tour. A random commenter will be chosen and the winner has choice from my backlist, (Tarnished Gold excluded).
8 x 10 glossies of Jack Abadie
Grand prize: kindle and the winner's choice of 5 ebooks from my backlist, which will be sent
by email.
1915, starstruck Jack Abadie strikes out for the gilded streets of
the most sinful town in the country—Hollywood. With him, he takes a
secret that his country hometown would never understand.
Hello Brita and welcome to my blog.
celebrate the release of my old Hollywood era novel, Tarnished Gold,
I have embarked on a virtual book tour.
I'm giving away an ebook at each stop on the tour. A random commenter will be chosen and the winner has choice from my backlist, (Tarnished Gold excluded).
8 x 10 glossies of Jack Abadie
Grand prize: kindle and the winner's choice of 5 ebooks from my backlist, which will be sent
by email.
Leave a comment at one or all the stops. At each stop, a random
commenter will be selected to win their choice of backlist book
(Tarnished Gold excluded.) This selection will be made daily
throughout the tour, except where blog owners wish to extend the
eligibility. Be sure to leave an email address in your comment.
names of commenters and their email addresses will be put into the
drawing for the Kindle, even if they have won the daily drawing. The
more comments you make the more chances you have to win!
prizes include five (5) 8x10 glossies of Jack Abadie, signed. The
winners will be selected on April 10, from all the commenters at all
the stops, and notified by email.
Grand Prize winner will be selected on April 10th and notified by
email. Once I have heard from the winner and obtained a shipping
address, I will order the Kindle and have it shipped directly to the
winner. They will also be eligible to select five (5) of my backlist
titles and I will email them to the winner.
valid in the United States.
schedule for the Tarnished
Gold Virtual Book Tour.
you tell us a little about yourself?
I was born in Upstate New York, but through a military transfer,
ended up in New Orleans, where I lived until five years ago. When my
husband retired, we moved closer to our oldest daughter, near
Lafayette, Louisiana, where we are now.
the oldest of four siblings—two in North Carolina and one still in
New York. I've been a non-professional genealogist for many years,
and from those years of research, I have many stories yet unwritten.
husband and I love to travel, especially long road trips and cruises,
of which we've taken nearly twenty. We're right around eighteen or
so. Our next one will be next year. We planned one for the fall of
2013, but with visiting my family back in New York, the vacation
would have extended to a month, and we can't leave home for that
On May 3, we leave for England, and will spend two weeks touring England, Scotland, and Wales. That is our trip of a lifetime and has been on my bucket list forever. Can't wait!
Oh, that sounds like a fantastic trip! I know you'll have a great time and make sure you take lots of pictures.
average, how long does it take you to write a book?
is no pat answer to that question. I've written a first draft in two
weeks, but then, Tarnished
took me nearly a year. With that book, I knew it would be a long
process. I researched for six months before I ever wrote a word. When
I wrote it, I had no word count in mind. I was determined to simply
write the story, wherever it took me.
Given the era, early 19teens through the early 1930's, I had
to capture the tenor of each decade, and to do that, I had to
to capture the tenor of each decade, and to do that, I had to
study the times. Tarnished Gold was in the making long before
I wrote it. I have volumes of notes, many hours logged
watching period-made silent films and the talkies, plus the
reading. I can honestly say I enjoyed the research as much as
the writing.
I wrote it. I have volumes of notes, many hours logged
watching period-made silent films and the talkies, plus the
reading. I can honestly say I enjoyed the research as much as
the writing.
It definitely shows that you put a lot of time researching for this book. Tarnished Gold is a spectacular book, I encourage everyone
to pick up a copy. To read my review please click here.
do you find writing inspiration?
I find inspiration everywhere really. It could come from a line on a TV
show, or something I see while eating in a restaurant. Something in a
book might trigger the seed of a story. I'm always prepared, and
carry a pad and pen with me most everywhere I go. I've been known to
scribble down ideas while in the movie theater.
It definitely sounds like you are always prepared for when ever inspiration strikes.
Can you tell us about your current book, Tarnished Gold?
It definitely sounds like you are always prepared for when ever inspiration strikes.
Can you tell us about your current book, Tarnished Gold?
here's the blurb:

years of hard work and a chance invitation to a gay gentlemen's club,
Jack is discovered. Soon, his talent, matinee idol good looks, and
affable personality propel him to the height of stardom. But fame
breeds distrust.
Wyatt Maitland turns Jack’s life upside down. He wants to be worthy
of his good fortune, but old demons haunt him. Only through Wyatt's
strength can Jack face that which keeps him from being the man he
wants to be. Love without trust is empty.
the 1920s roar, scandals rock the movie industry. Public tolerance of Hollywood's decadence has reached its limit. Under pressure to clean
up its act, Jack’s studio issues an ultimatum. Either forsake the
man he loves and remain a box office darling, or follow his heart and
let his shining star fade to tarnished gold.
an excerpt and purchase the Tarnished
or print,
signed by the author (if one of the first twenty sold.)
is a story that I have longed to tell for some time. It involves a
young man who goes to Hollywood to seek his fortune. All too soon,
times change and being gay in Hollywood is looked upon favorably.
in the early days of Hollywood changed drastically as the 1920s
waned. Attitudes toward the many scandals involving stars and
directors caused studios to take drastic measures. Jack, though not
one of the culprits, is wrapped up in the frenzy to clean up
is really a story about a man who knows who he is and is
uncompromising in his beliefs. With Wyatt, he is the face of those
who hid from the censure that the 1930s brought to Hollywood. Jack is
probably the strongest character I've ever written, but he has a
poignant vulnerability to him as well. I like to think of him and
Wyatt as an unfinished puzzle—there are only two pieces needed for
completion and they only fit one way.
do you think makes a good story?
me, a good story has to be believable, with characters that I would
want as friends. Fantasy, for me, only goes so far on my
believability scale. I read and write with the hero in mind—always.
I want him to be strong, intelligent, sure of himself yet vulnerable.
If there are more than one hero, the same applies. Alphas all the
way, with a touch of beta with each other.
circumstances of a story must have enough twists and turns to keep me
wanting to turn the page. I don't mind slow parts, as long as they
don't drag on. Sometimes it's nice to take a breath and enjoy the
that there are only a limited number of tropes, I don't mind that,
because each author brings their own unique take. I don't, however,
like a rehash of fairy tales, where the predictability is high. I
just read a romance, configured like Cinderella's story, and it was
rather disconcerting that I knew the story well ahead of the
conclusion. This wasn't a fantasy, but we had the step-sisters, the
guy who was her prince, the castle, etc.
the hardest thing about writing and how do you handle it?
suppose the hardest thing for me is the wait between the time I send
a manuscript in to the publisher and when I hear back from them. That
is usually three months and it is tough waiting. However, I move on
and write something else or research, which takes an extraordinary
amount of time. You can't hurry the process, so acceptance is the
best way to handle it.
you could have dinner with 5 people, who would you choose and why?
first guest would have to be my husband. We are attached at the hip
and never do anything without the other, and we love it that way.
Since we are both history buffs, our guests would have to be from the
past. Abraham Lincoln is a must. My grandmother would be another. I
adored her and got so very few years with her. And then both her
parents, whom I never knew (they died a quarter century before I was
born,) but as a genealogist, I have learned much about. However, I
would love to know more. They were simple, but fascinating people,
who died much too young, both of lobar pneumonia, two and a half
years apart.
great-grandmother, Clara, died at 34, two months after the birth of
her 10th
child. Can you imagine? She left behind eight children and a husband
who adored her. He vowed to keep the family together, but he died at
the age of 42 only two and half years later. The oldest girl was
twenty and on her own, the next son was indentured to a local farmer,
my grandmother was 16 when she married my grandfather, the next two
girls went to live with friends, and the rest went to an orphanage.
One came out shortly after, but the other two were adopted out. It
was twenty years before the siblings were reunited. A fascinating
story really.
Genealogy is a fascinating hobby. You never know what you're going to find, or how long it's going to take. It's an on going task.
you could travel in a time machine, would go back to the past or to
the future?
the past, back to the early 1800's, in England. So many of my
romances are set there and I find that period in history fascinating.
Well, I actually find all history fascinating. I would love to
experience the life lived then, from all angles, but alas, I am a
spoiled creature who must have her air conditioning. I won't be
volunteering for the time machine any time soon.
It would be hard to decide to go back to the past or
forward to the future. I think I'm with you, though.
How wonderful would it be to meet our relatives?
does your family and friends think about your writing erotic
family is grown, and they are thrilled that I am finally fulfilling
my lifelong dream. They cheer me on and celebrate each new contract.
I also sustain a great deal of teasing, especially from one of our
sons-in-law, who loves to tell people that I write "naughty
books." Yeah, I've cuffed him up side his head a few times for
important is reader feedback, good or bad, to you?
feedback is very important. I write for my readers and if they don't
enjoy my efforts, I want to know. Of course, if I don't please them
with a story, I am disappointed, but their comments help me to
remember why I spend so much time creating characters and their
the best advice you can give to an inspiring author?
your craft. If you love writing, you should be open to learning more
about it. I learn something new with each edit and I try very hard to
apply that knowledge to the next manuscript.
open to criticism and learn from it. What might have seemed like a
great idea in theory, might not pan out so well in practice.
about the genre you favor and read in the genre you favor. See what
others are writing, how they are writing.
sign a contract in haste. I presently have several contracts, 7 years
in length, that I wish I'd never signed.
your research—both for your story and where you submit it. I can't
stress that enough. Don't be afraid to contact authors at a
publishing company you are considering. Ask them about their
Excellent advice, Brita.
do you relax?
read or watch TV with my honey. We also have date day every Friday,
which gets us out of the house. We are huge movie fans and it is
never a question of what
movie we'll see. More, it's "Okay, what haven't we seen."
Date day every Friday, how fun.
is your favorite all time book?
have to say that I have two—Lisa Kleypas's It Happened One Autumn
and Mary Balogh's Simply Love. Unforgettable stories and characters.
or Coke?
or pretzels?
though I do like unsalted pretzels.
or beach?
HATE the beach with a passion. HATE! The thought of sand gives me the
heebie-jeebies. HATE!!
ice cream?
or dress up?
all the way. I'm a t-shirt and jeans gal from way back. However, my
mother taught me how to dress and I can dress up when it is required.
outs or restaurant dinners?
restaurant. My husband has never enjoyed cooking out and I can
honestly say, it does nothing for me either. We have so many
wonderful restaurants where we live, that we have our choice anytime
we want.
recent release is For
Men Like Us,
which takes place during the Regency in England. You can find it at
Dreamspinner Press. Just click the title to be magically transported.
for For Men Like Us:
Preston Meacham’s lover dies trying to lend him aid at Salamanca,
hopelessness becomes his only way of life. Despite his best efforts
at starting again, he has no pride left, which leads him to sell
himself for a pittance at a molly house. The mindless sex affords him
his only respite from the horrors he witnessed.
The Napoleonic War left Benedict Wilmot haunted by the acts he was forced to commit and the torture he endured at the hands of a superior, a man who used the threat of a gruesome death to force Ben to do his bidding. Even sleep gives Ben no reprieve, for he can’t escape the destruction he caused.
The Napoleonic War left Benedict Wilmot haunted by the acts he was forced to commit and the torture he endured at the hands of a superior, a man who used the threat of a gruesome death to force Ben to do his bidding. Even sleep gives Ben no reprieve, for he can’t escape the destruction he caused.
their paths cross, Ben feels an overwhelming need to protect Preston
from his dangerous profession. As he explains, “The streets are
dangerous for men like us.”
Brita Addams:
in Upstate New York, Brita Addams has made her home in the sultry
south for many years. Brita's home is a happy place, where she lives
with her real-life hero, her husband, and a fat cat named Stormee.
writes, for the most part, erotic historical romance, both het and
m/m, which is an ideal fit, given her love of British and American
history. Setting the tone for each historical is important.
Research plays an indispensible part in the writing of any historical
work, romance or otherwise. A great deal of reading and study goes
into each work, to give the story the authenticity it deserves.
a reader, Brita prefers historical works, romances and otherwise. She
believes herself born in the wrong century, though she says she would
find it difficult to live without air conditioning.
and her husband love to travel, particularly cruises and long road
trips. They completed a Civil War battlefield tour a couple of years
ago, and have visited many places involved in the American
Revolutionary War.
May, 2013, they are going to England for two weeks, to visit the
places Brita writes about in her books, including the estate that
inspired the setting for her Sapphire Club series. Not the
activities, just the floor plan.
bit of trivia – Brita pronounces her name, Bree-ta, like the
woman's name, and oddly, not like the famous water filter.
visit me at any of these online locations:
Thanks for stopping by today, Brita. I enjoyed our interview.
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