scavenger hunt!
Super Duper Important-Scavenger Hunt Instructions:
There are 17 (seventeen) stops for this Scavenger Hunt. Each
stop contains a picture/button with a letter on it. All 17 letters
form a message or phrase that is associated with the book. The
letters are scattered randomly to the hosts. You will need to
collect all 17, unscramble them, and then enter the decoded
message in the Rafflefopter for the 'extra entries'. Good luck!
Tour long Giveaway: First place-
$50 GC to Amazon or B&N
Dates: 5/24/2013 through 6/21/2013
Title: Dangerously Yours

Genre: Sci-fi erotic romance
Flame rating: Scorching
Released: May 24, 2013
Publisher: Ellora's Cave
Word Count: 62K
The steamy standalone sequel to
Dangerously Mine.
Dangerously Mine.
Kane Epps divides his life into two disctinct
parts--before the alien invasion and after. Before the
invasion, he had a pregnant wife and a high-powered job. After
the invasion, he's left with only himself and his hatred for all
things alien. He channels his bitterness by captaining a vessel
of renegade humans--space pirates who don't think twice about
taking what they need.
Princess Sa'Mya is on the run. She and a few trusted advisors fled
her home planet, only to be captured by the sexy, dangerous
Captain Epps. He claims to hate aliens but can't seem to resist
touching or kissing her...everywhere. As Kane introduces
Sa"Mya to ever-increasing, unimaginable realms of pleasure,
the princess becomes determined to earn his trust. She's used
to getting what she wants. And this time, what she wants is Kane
Inside Scoop: This space-opera romance contains male/male
sex scenes, girl-on-girl action, group sex and some good old-
Fri May 24 Candlelight Book Promotions
Sat May 25 Lea Barrymire
Mon May 27 I am a book addict...and proud of it
Tue May 28 AJ Jarrett
Wed May 29 Amy Ruttan
Thur May 30 For Whom The Books Toll
Tue June 4 Unearthly Musings
Wed June 5 Anya Richards
Tue June 11 Deal Sharing Aunt
Wed June 12 Cristal Ryder
Thur June 13 Tattooed Book Review
Fri June 14 Find Your Next Read
Tue June 18 Bookswagger
Wed June 19 The Jeep Diva
Thur June 20 For the Love of Bookends
Fri June 21 BadBarbsPlace
Sat May 25 Lea Barrymire
Mon May 27 I am a book addict...and proud of it
Tue May 28 AJ Jarrett
Wed May 29 Amy Ruttan
Thur May 30 For Whom The Books Toll
Tue June 4 Unearthly Musings
Wed June 5 Anya Richards
Tue June 11 Deal Sharing Aunt
Wed June 12 Cristal Ryder
Thur June 13 Tattooed Book Review
Fri June 14 Find Your Next Read
Tue June 18 Bookswagger
Wed June 19 The Jeep Diva
Thur June 20 For the Love of Bookends
Fri June 21 BadBarbsPlace
A. M. Griffin is a wife who rarely cooks, mother of three, dog
owner (and sometimes dog owned), a daughter, sister, aunt and
friend. She's a hard worker whose two favorite outlets are
reading and writing. She enjoys reading everything from mystery
novels to historical romances and of course fantasy romance. She
is a believer in the unbelievable, open to all possibilities from
mermaids in our oceans and seas, angels in the skies and intelligent
life forms in distant galaxies.
For more information, please visit
Interview with A. M:
Are you a plotter or a pantser, or a hybrid?
I consider myself to be a typical pantser. But sometimes my
characters get a mind of their own and if left to do what they
please, I'd probably end of writing about aliens, vampires, ghosts,
and monkeys all in the same story. For Dangerously Yours, Kane
would not take to Sa'Mya no matter what angle I served her up
as. About half-way through, I had to re-write their first meet and
create a spark for him and then I had to plot out the middle and
end. It turned out pretty good! I think this would throw me
squarely in the hybrid category.
In your opinion, what makes a great hero?
A great hero is someone who is secure, but has personal hang-
ups. Strong, but yet subtle. Has a fuck you attitude, but very
caring and dependable. Hot as hell, but has flaws. Can anyone say
contradictory? Hell yes! But that's what makes the hero for me.
Kane Epps is secure in his beliefs and himself, but when Sa'Mya
comes along he's forced to re-evaluate how he feels about aliens
and how he feels about himself. He hates all things alien, but in
reality he's really afraid of loving again and going through the
pain of having his heart ripped out a second time.
Do you prefer strong women for heroines, or the 'damsel in
distress' type?
So far, my heroines have been both. I lean toward really strong
kick-ass heroines. Eva, from Dangerously Mine would kick your
ass first and ask questions later. Sa'Mya, from Dangerously Yours,
would be too worried to break her nails, although she does have a
small fight scene, she's not the fighting type. Both ladies are
damsels in distress, but neither plays that role very well. Eva is a
slave, but she would hurt you if you called her such and Sa'Mya is
running from her uncle, but she thinks she has it all under control.
Neither whine nor have a "woe is me" attitude. If they did I think
I'd beat them up myself!
What book are you currently reading?
While I was on vacation I finished Beauty Awakened by Gena
Showalter and The Chronicles of Nick by Sherrilyn Kenyon. I'm
also finishing up The Lady is a Vamp by Lynsay Sands.
What is one place in the world you'd love to visit which you haven't
already been?
I LOVE to travel. But when it's time for a vacation I usually find
myself somewhere with a beach. I would love to tour Europe one
day. I wouldn't consider it a vacation since I wouldn't be lying out
in a bathing suit listening to waves lap at the shore. I'd also love to
visit the great castles in Scotland and go on an African safari. Now that I think about it, I would love to visit Rome as well. Geeze, I need to start planning a trip to all these wonderful places!
Who are some of your favorite authors?
Oh geeze. I have a very long list. I love everyone from Dean Koontz to Joey W. Hill to Nalini Singh to Kelsey Cole to Sherrilyn
Kenyon. But who started me on the path of romance was Johanna
Lindsey and Jaid Black got me hooked on sci-fi erotic romance.
Quick Questions:
Coffee or tea?
Coffee on most days. Tea if it's the only thing available.
Wine or beer?
Wine. I absolutely, positively, without a doubt hate beer.
Beach or mountains?
Beach! Bathing suits and cover-ups are my favorites.