Wednesday, January 28, 2015

GMB Presents~M.A. Stone's Caught Up Release Day Blitz & Giveaway!

Welcome to my post on M.A. Stone's Caught Up Release Day Blitz & Giveaway presented by Give Me Books.

Title: Caught Up
Author: M.A. Stone
Series: Drawn Book Two
Release Date: January 28, 2015

Once upon a time there was a wounded Prince who fell in love with an Angel. They got married, had crazy babies and everyone thought that they would live happily ever after. Everyone was wrong. Dead wrong.

Twenty years after the death of his wife Angel, Aaron Drawn is out of prison and attempting to pick up the pieces of his shattered life. Only, its not going so well. His days are filled with work and his nights are filled with liquor and women. That is, until a little tattooed pixie of a woman dances into his life and completely takes over. Before he can even blink, she has turned his world on its ear and he can’t seem to get enough of her. The only question is, is it too late for Aaron to get a second chance?

Chloe Van Zant has lived in the shadow of her loving, but larger than life parents and her perfect sister. When she moved to Jasper Falls, she finally found acceptance and a home alongside her new friends and co-workers at Insatiable Ink and Cycle. Then she meets Aaron Drawn and her world comes screeching to a halt. He’s hot, dangerous and old enough to be her father! Ignoring the haters and naysayers, she sets out to help him see all the good things in his life and maybe talk him into her bed. A girl can try can’t she??

Sometimes a Princess is an unconventional, tattooed, bundle of energy…and sometimes the Prince is the one who needs to be rescued….and everyone knows there is always room for a second chance or two.

WARNING: Not for readers under the age of 18. Contains mature topics and sexual situations.

Buy Links:
Amazon US: Caught Up: Drawn Series Novel
 Amazon UK 


#1 Riveted
Buy Links:

#1.5 There Goes the Neighborhood

Buy Links:

Author Bio:
M.A. Stone has been writing and making up stories ever since she was a little girl and she got her Sesame Street coloring books taken away for filling them with dirty words. She was born and raised in Upstate NY(which oddly makes her sound like she is from Wisconsin)and has moved around all over the east coast. 

She currently lives in South Central PA with her amazingly sarcastic husband and her four incredibly entertaining children. Oh and her dog who weighs over 90 pounds, but thinks she is a Shi Tzu.


The Giveaway:
1 signed paperback of winner’s choice from MA’s books


~~Author Wednesdays-Seleste deLaney!!~~

© Astine | Dreamstime Stock Photos & Stock Free Images

It's Wednesday at For Whom The Books Toll and you know what that means. Author Wednesday Time. Yay!!!!!

Seleste deLaney is my guest today and she's sharing the dream cast for her Blood Kissed books.

Enjoy Seleste's post.
I know some authors who create cast lists way after writing a book, but I’m one of those who sees her books play out as movies in her head as she writes. I need a cast before I get too far into a story or I flounder. Plus, I’m kind of a celebrity junkie.

And, hell’s bells, does my Blood Kissed series have a big cast. So, without any further ado…

Our intrepid heroine, Jocelyn Reyes. She was actually the one character who didn’t have a firm model up front. Honestly, I still don’t. She’s  young (22-25, depending on what stage of the series we’re in), 1/4 Mexican, about a size 10, curvy, and with one hell of an attitude. The closest I ever found to what she looks like in my head is America Ferrara…but not. (Honestly, this would be a great one if anyone wants to throw suggestions at me ;-) )

Vampire Love Interest #1, Maxmillian Shaw. Max was the vampire that came first (no pun intended), and I saw him as this kind of larger than life guy in Jocelyn’s life. The gorgeous long hair, the great voice, the muscles… Think Christian Kane, only bigger. 

Vampire Love Interest #2, Chad Akerman. After Max, Jocelyn turned to another vampire (oops). But I wanted him to be a far cry from Max. Where Max looked wild, Chad appeared reserved. But I still wanted someone who I felt could hold his own against Max. Enter Jensen Ackles as Chad.

The Wild Card, Remy. I needed someone who would eternal give the vampire council fits. Since they’re all “old” vampires, I closed my eyes and imagined who would have given the older members of my family heart attacks if I’d ever brought him to visit. As soon as I saw my answer, I knew no one but Adam Lambert could be Remy.

To avoid making this too long, I’m going to do some fast and dirty casting…

Jocelyn’s Family:
Grandma Analise Cooper = Betty White
Dad = Jeffrey Dean Morgan 
Mom = Michelle Pfeiffer 

The Vampire Council:
Dominic = Robert Deniro
Grace = Helen Mirren
Rupert = Christopher Lee
Tanya = Sophia Loren
Charles = Woody Allen
Eleanor = Susan Sarandon 
Louis = Michael Caine   
The Werewolves:
lpha Evan Daniels = Shemar Moore
Logan Daniels = Jacob Artist   
The Hunters: 
Sal Nago = Vin Diesel 
Vianca Nago = Avril Lavigne
The Sorcerer, Pierre Maisson = Michael Vartan  
The Nain Rouge, Giles = Peter Dinklage   

Whew! I think that’s most of the cast. So…who wants to make this movie happen for me? ;-)

If you’re loving the cast, please check out book one, Kiss of Death, and keep your eye out for book 2, Kiss of Life, coming next month!


Too many years of killer vamps have triggered the curse of the Blood Kissed. They’ve awakened the bloodline that can alter their world, because her blood has the power to control them all–even make them destroy each other.

Jocelyn thought her troubles with vampires were over when she drove a stake through her boyfriend Max’s heart one year ago. Even though she’s engaged to Chad, she’s never really forgotten him.

Now Max is back, and Chad is taking her into the heart of the vamp community–and they’re the ones trying to keep her alive. The ones who love her and each seek to claim her for their own. Because once the elders know who she is, they’re all going to want her…or want her dead.

Buy Links:
Amazon: Kiss Of Death
Print: Kiss of Death   
Barnes & Noble


Author Bio:
At a young age, Seleste deLaney discovered the trick to not being afraid of the monsters under the bed was to turn them into heroes. Since that time, she’s seen enough of human monsters that she prefers to escape to fictional worlds where even the worst demons have to play by the rules and the good guys might end up battered and bruised (or dead), but they always win. And really, isn’t that the way it should be?

She resides in the Detroit area with all her favorite monsters (nice ones—some are furry and the others call her Mom) and is hard at work on her next book. In those rare moments when she isn’t battling terrorists, vampires, or rogue clockworks, she can be found all over the Internet, where she loves to interact with readers.

Contact Seleste:
Website   Twitter 


Buy links for Kiss of Death:

Thank you so much Seleste for be hearing today and sharing your dream cast.

Please stop back next Wednesday when Heather Long will be my guest.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

InkSlinger Presents~Julie Kenner's Find Me in Passion Release Day Blitz!

Welcome to Julie Kenner's Find Me in Passion Release Day Blitz presented by InkSlinger PR.

Don't miss the sexy and exciting conclusion to the Find Me trilogy! 

A doomed woman. A dangerous and mysterious man. And an epic passion that cannot be denied…

From New York Times, USA Today and International bestselling author J. Kenner writing as Julie Kenner.

Read the first chapter of FIND ME IN DARKNESS here -

Find Me In Darkness:
Amazon: Find Me In Darkness: Mal and Christina's Story, Part 1 (Dark Pleasures)

Find Me In Pleasure – Part 2 - Jan 20th
  Find Me In Pleasure: Mal and Christina's story, Part 2 (Dark Pleasures) 

Find Me in Passion – Part 3 - Jan 27th
Find Me In Passion: Mal and Christina's story, Part 3 (Dark Pleasures) 

Author Bio: 
Julie Kenner (aka J. Kenner and J.K. Beck) is the New York Times, USA Today, Publishers Weekly, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of over forty novels, novellas and short stories in a variety of genres.

Praised by Publishers Weekly as an author with a “flair for dialogue and eccentric characterizations,” J.K. writes a range of stories including super sexy romances, paranormal romance, chick lit suspense and paranormal mommy lit. Her foray into the latter, Carpe Demon: Adventures of a Demon-Hunting Soccer Mom by Julie Kenner, is in development as a feature film with 1492 Pictures.

Her most recent trilogy of erotic romances, The Stark Trilogy (as J. Kenner), reached as high as #2 on the New York Times list and is published in over twenty countries.

J.K. lives in Central Texas, with her husband, two daughters, and several cats.

Contact Julie:

Monday, January 26, 2015

GMB Presents~ Alice Tribue's Contractual Release Day Blitz & Giveaway!

Thank you for checking out my post on Alice Tribue's Contractual Release Day Blitz & Giveaway presented by Give Me Books.

Title: Contractual
Author: Alice Tribue
Release Date: January 26, 2015

They told me I’d be an escort; they made it sound so easy.

Really I’m just a high priced call girl.

Desperation brought me to this and it led me to him, my one and only client.

Hating him is easy, he reminds me of my shame.

Wanting him is wrong it fills me with guilt.

Loving him is a losing battle yet it’s become everything.

A gift and a curse, he consumes my every thought and I’d rather play my part in his bed than to spend one day without him.

Buy Links:
Amazon US: Contractual  
Amazon UK

 Alice Tribue lives with her husband and daughter in New Jersey. She has a bachelors degree in communications and is currently working on her masters degree. She spends most of her free time reading, writing, and when the weather permits lounging out on a beach.
Contact Alice:

The Giveaway:
2 x $5 Amazon gift cards
2 signed Contractual paperbacks
5 ebooks of Contractual
5 ebooks (winner’s choice from Alice’s titles)



InkSlinger Presents~ Libby Rice's Art Crossed Love Release Day Blitz & Giveaway!

Thank you for stopping by For Whom The Books Toll. Today I'm hosting Libby Rice's Art Crossed Love Release Day Blitz & Giveaway presented by InkSlinger PR.

Can love be more than a four-letter word?

Lissa Blanc is a painter on a mission. She filters the world through a lens of color, line, and form and hides her ambition behind a delicate smirk that lets her critics believe life comes easy. To her, art isn’t what she sees. It’s what she feels. Few know that behind the glitz of a prodigious upbringing, she’s driven to emerge from a shadow cast by painful memories that insist she’ll never be a renowned talent in her own right.

Cole Rathlen is a photographer on the mend. A crippling grief has stifled his once-rising career and compromised his creative instincts. Knowing he can’t stagnate forever, he seeks a twisted absolution in the form of a woman whose paintings give life to the emotions he won’t let himself imagine, let alone feel.

When the two partner for a prestigious project that will pull them from the mountains of Colorado to the palaces of India, Lissa quickly realizes that more than diverging ideals hinder their search for success and salvation. Was Cole’s life upended by a tragic but unavoidable choice or something more sinister? While Lissa can’t delve into the mystery but not the man, Cole can’t resist a tenacious soul that refuses to leave him chained. As the truth closes in on a project finally sprouting wings, will Lissa sacrifice her chance at success to set Cole free? Or will Cole shrug the chains of lingering regrets to prove that those who love the most, love again.

Add Art Crossed Love to your Goodreads list.

Buy Links:
Amazon Art-Crossed Love (Second Chances Book 2)  
Barnes & Noble

Someone made a mistake in teaching you life is easy. Cole’s words had hit like well-aimed arrows, and not of the Cupid variety. At least Lissa knew which camp he fell into. The naysayers tended toward one of two options—push Lissa away or pull Lissa close. The pushers openly mocked her “illegitimate” success. The pullers beguiled her in an effort to see how much of that “luck”—or connections or money or opportunity—could rub off on them.

Cole was a clear pusher, and frankly, she liked those better. At least they were honest.

A hank of hair chose that moment to abandon the clip that couldn’t quite contain her pony tail. Ruler straight despite a healthy dedication to volumizing shampoo, her hair liked to slip from its confines and lay flat against her head in an antagonizing refusal to hold body. She imagined her looks mattered about as much to Cole as couponing did to Donald Trump, but hell, she had nothing to lose and everything to gain. After the disaster in the driveway, she could at least try to make herself presentable.

Her trek to the spare bathroom two rooms down took her past Cole’s bedroom door across the hall. His rumpled bed sat in silence. Nothing personal hinted at the room’s inhabitant. A dresser and two night stands held a clock and a box of tissues between them. No pictures or knickknacks, not even a stray piece of clothing or a random shoe littered Cole’s studied order, dimmed by heavy shades that blocked the rising sun from cheering the space.

Earthy scents of pine and sandalwood filled her nostrils. Despite his obvious efforts to disappear within the emptiness, the room bore his mark. The hard edges and sanded planks had absorbed his essence without permission.

Even her limited view of the room told her much, and temptation threatened. If she saw a little more… Not a chance. Forcing herself to put one foot behind the other, she backed away from his open door as quietly as she’d arrived.

The copper tub in her bathroom resembled a huge gravy boat. The New Yorker in Lissa marveled at the concept. So often her life demanded three-minute showers, never a leisurely soak in a tub that might have been filled by Mammy herself.

A wicker basket held sumptuous washcloths and a bottle of gardenia bubble bath. She tended toward tasty scents—from oranges to candy canes. They spurred her appetite, a good thing for a skinny girl, and always seemed approachable. Today she availed herself of the luxuries on tap. She sank deep into the tub, telling herself one didn’t indulge in low-grade anxiety in these circumstances. Old world tubs and Egyptian-cotton towels required a certain amount of stress amnesia.

She sighed heavily. She and Cole would adapt.

Heat leached into her muscles, and she slumbered against a neck pillow. Eventually the creeping chill of the water brought her around. Stretching languidly, she climbed from the tub, wet and glistening, her hair streaming rivulets of flower-scented water over her shoulders.

After toweling dry and tossing the cloth down a chute she assumed terminated in a basement laundry room, she rummaged through the basket in search of body lotion. Already, the dry Colorado air had her skin feeling like the surface of Mars. When the search came up empty, she looked under the sink and in the mirrored vanity.

Nothing, which was surprising given the well-stocked state of Cole’s home.

He’d either gotten in touch with his feminine side after his wife’s death or someone came by regularly to make sure the place stayed clean and comfortable. From what she’d seen, an aunt probably showed up the day after Uncle Kent delivered the meals to wash the linens and line the waste-paper baskets with scented trash bags.

Opening the laundry chute, she peered into blackness. The last towel was long gone. With a quiet twist, she opened the bathroom door and peered into the hallway. All was clear and quiet, so she snuck a toe out onto the carpeted runner, then another. When that proved successful, she flew out the door and lurched into her quietest ball-of-the-foot giraffe run toward the body creams she’d unpacked in her room.

“This can only be penance for your last painting or bribery for your next one.”

Cole’s rumbling voice took her so off guard she lurched to a stop. There he stood, behind a panting St. Bernard in his doorway. Heat flared in her cheeks. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

He cleared his throat. “Nice ass?” 

And if you missed book 1,  Love Me Later here are the Buy Links:
Amazon: Love Me Later (Second Chances Book 1)

Add Love Me Later to your Goodreads list.

Before becoming a writer, Libby was first a mechanical engineer in the data acquisition industry (voltmeter anyone?). Preferring writing to technical design, Libby headed to law school and eventually practiced patent law for several enterprising years (patent application covering a voltmeter anyone?). Finally realizing that technology just wasn’t her bag, she traded the voltmeters for alpha heroes and the women who love them.

Today, Libby writes contemporary romances from the foot of the Rocky Mountains, where she lives with her husband, a bona fide rocket scientist (he stuck with the voltmeters!). When not writing, Libby loves good food, even better wine, and traveling the world in search of the next great story.

Libby loves hearing from readers! Join the fun at, where you can sign up for Libby’s new-release e-newsletter, or on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram.

Connect with Libby:


Pussycat Promotions Presents~ B.B. Reid's Fear Me Release Day Launch!!

Welcome to my post on B. B. Reid's Fear Me Release Day Launch presented by Pussycat Promotions.

 I don't believe in Fairy-tales and Prince Charming.

I believe in fear.

He taught me how to be afraid.

We first met on a playground during a wonderful summer day. It was the first time he hurt me and it wasn't the last. For ten years he's been my tormentor and I've been his forbidden. But then he went away and yet I was still afraid.

Now he's back and wants more than just my tears. You see...he thinks I sent him away so now he wants revenge...and he knows just how to get it.

*This book is new adult and contains rough elements such as harsh language, mild violence, and strong sexual content. Readers should be 18+.*

Buy Links:
Amazon US: Fear Me (Broken Love Book 1)  
Amazon CA
Amazon UK

Author Bio:
B.B. Reid was raised in North Carolina and attended North Carolina State University where she graduated with a B.S. in Business Administration. She also has a military service background in the N.C. National Guard.

Her goal in life was to one day become lawyers for corporate America, but her dream was to write romances and touch the lives of millions of readers.

B.B., also known as Bebe, found her passion for romance when she read her first romance novel by Susan Johnson at a young age and she would sneak into her mother's closet for books and even sometimes the attic.  IIt soon became a hobby and later an addiction that influenced her life in a positive way.

As a person who has always wondered about the existence of her talent, B.B.hopes that the launch of her debut novel, Fear Me, will be the beginning startto the pursuit of her happiness as well as her readers.

Author Links:

Thursday, January 22, 2015

GMB Presents~ Lila Monroe's The Billionaire Bargain: Part 1 Release Day Blitz & Giveaway!!

Welcome to my post on Lila Monroe's Billionaire Bargain: Part 1 Release Day Blitz & Giveaway presented by Give Me Books.

Title: The Billionaire Bargain: Part 1
Author: Lila Monroe
Series: The Billionaire Bargain Book One
Release Date: January 22, 2015

Sexy Australian billionaire Grant Devlin is ruining my life. He exercises shirtless in his office, is notorious for his lunchtime nooners, he even yawns sexily. If I didn't need this job so bad, I'd take his black Amex and tell him where to swipe it.

He doesn't even know I exist, but why would he? He jets off to Paris with supermodels, I spend Friday nights with Netflix and a chunk of Pepperidge Farm frozen cake—waiting for his call. Because every time he crashes his yacht, or blows $500k on a single roulette spin in Monte Carlo, I’m the PR girl who has to clean up his mess.

But this time, it’s going to take more than just a fat charity donation. This time, the whole company is on the line. He needs to show investors that he’s settling down, and Step #1 is pretending to date a nice, stable girl until people forget about what happened with the Playboy Bunnies backstage at the Oscars.

My plan is perfect, except for one thing:

He picks me.

Buy Links:
Amazon US: The Billionaire Bargain
Amazon UK

Come and celebrate the release of The Billionaire Bargain: Part 2 with a Billionaires' Party

JANUARY 29 from 7pm PST
Special guests include:
Clare Contreras
Ella James
Monica Murphy
Laurelin Paige
Roxy Sloane
Melanie Marchande
Emily Snow
and Lila Monroe
Party Link:

Author Bio:
Combining her love of writing, sex and well-fitted suits, Lila Monroe wrote The Billionaire Bargain. Lila enjoys writing, as it gives her a flexible schedule to spend time with her kids and a wonderful excuse to avoid them. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband, who strips out of his well-fitted suits nightly.

Connect with Lila:

The Giveaway:
$10 Amazon gift card